Friday, July 9, 2010

... I'm Sorry...

You must hate me now. I'm sorry. Please. It's my fault that Dalton's gone. I'm so stupid. How could I put something SO important off to the side like that, and then when it's too late remember? How can I be so IDIOTIC?

What's wrong with me? I could've saved him. It's my fault he's dead and I had his life in my pocket!

There's nothing I can do, but I'm sad enough to die of depression...

I'm sorry Dalton... Rest In Peace...


Dalton Nelson said...

Tyu, I want you to know something.
You were one of the kindest people I knew when I was alive.
Always so sweet
and understanding.

I know when I tried to ask you out.. It was a little fail. cause i knew you were in love with Kurai already.

But i want you to know something. Please. I want you to live a happy life. We all want to live good life. And make it good when you still have a chance too.

(: I will miss you.

Tyshiro Tyde said...

... I'm going to miss you... so much Dalton. I'm sorry I had to bring this upon you. I'm sorry we didn't have more memories and that I didn't appreciate you enough.

I wish the last time I saw you wasn't the last time. I wish I could give you a hug just one last time.

In the afterlife we'll meet again Dalton, that's a promise I'll try to keep...

I'll miss you too Dalton...

Unknown said...

To one Immortal after another. This is a promised meeting that will eventually happen.

I am not so lucky.

~Fly on Forever more
Phantom Dark

Tyshiro Tyde said...

... Dark, I'll make a deal with God if it puts me through billions of years of torture to let Dalton and I see you again...

That's a promise I'm willing to keep.

The Tyde's Heir and Legacy
Tyshiro Tyde