Saturday, November 1, 2008

Just forget it...

Look... People who wanted to join my squad (If anyone did.) Just forget about it... I've learned the hard way that if I am to make this squad I am to lose more than gain... and nothing can ever be the same from the last post... so Dark I'm sorry... I want to stay in Flamex... I hope the wound I made can be fixed...

Tyu Tide


Dalton Nelson said...

Look Tyu, we both felt the same way, even though half of this was a test. I am not telling wich part of it though, but some parts Dark was taking some notes on, seeing how you guys adapted too his way of living...

And by the way, you were the one who saved Dark's and my own's life. and we are both very greatfull. thank you tyu, from the bottom of both of our hearts...

Fly on for ever more...

Dalton Nelson

Tyshiro Tyde said...

You're welcome Dalton, I hope I did well on the test

Tyu Tide

Mancer said...

Hello Tyu, you might not know me, but I am Hunter, a boy with the powers too weild shadow.

I just joined flamex in search of a group too join, since I have been lost for many years starving and with out pourpose, and I find it intresting too be drawn too this blog, its very different.

Anyways, I am glad I could meet you finaly, I have heard alot about you from Flamex. I am hoping I can become your friend soon, that would be cool, I am on Dark's chat box right now so I hope I can meet you there

By the way, I sent this at 5:35 minnesota time.

-Hunter Mancer

Tyshiro Tyde said...

that's cool Hunter, I live in the MN to, sorry I got on so late, i had to go to a sport for four hours, its nice to meet you also, it is 8:39 MN time here, so I will meet u on the chatbox asap.

Tyu Tide

Mancer said...

Thats good too hear back from you Tyu, for a while I thought you would not reply. lol,

thats cool that you live in Minnesota as well, I dont know alot of users here that are from MN. Anyways. I hope we can become friends becasue you never really said you wanted too be or not...


Sorry, thats how I felt. Anyways again, geez why do I say that. If you want an aproval too be prompter of flamex, drop me a line on my post okay?


Mancer said...


Tyshiro Tyde said...

yea, i wanna be your friend, and whats about me being a prompter? anyways what happened?

tell me asap please


Mancer said...

well... I kinda did already.... well... you were there....

Tyshiro Tyde said...


Mancer said...

Tyu tide... meet me on your chat box so we can continue our mission, it was destroyed today and I do not like that at all...

please meet me... I am asking only one thing from you....

Tyshiro Tyde said...

Yes Mancer, I will, but just to tell you I might be on somewhere around 11 tomorrow night, my dad left andi took the laptop for my own usage,
right now it's 11:18

I will meet u on the chatbox asap

Something lost
Something gained
Nothing is ever the same

Tyu Tide