Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jamaria's comeback

Fang's eldest brother Jamaria has tainted my springs, the water is becoming blacker every day, filth broils from my once pure home. Just a since dang touch ruined my home, my cave is crawling with infestation, what was one of the best places on earth has become one os the worst in literally one second.

Now caught in the realm I dont know what to do, I cant find any of my familymembers, I partially lost my inner form edgar but he is slowly regaining strength, Now I live on a Plateau with a single backpack carrying all of my memories, I dont know where to get InterRealmNet connection, if there is such thing, and I cant sustain myself for much longer... God have mercy for I have done no wrong that is hell-worthy.

As night falls over my head I am left in hunger... Please.... I cant live much longer.... Nevertheless I will still come backhere to reapeat what happened... again in pain.... help...

Tyu Tide


Lachlann said...

hey... I havent contacted you yet... May we meet in person?

The Rebellion,

Tyshiro Tyde said...

Yes, I would love that Lachlann, see you soon,

Tyu Haze

Lachlann said...

sure... thing...?

The Rebellion,